Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Silver Linings to the Strike

The obvious one, of course, is the cancellation of the Golden Globes, a.k.a. the gay second game of the Stanley Cup Finals. But one that would have flown under my radar had I not scanned Entertainment Weekly's terrible website this morning is that the only reality show I've ever enjoyed is coming back, baby.

As to the first point -- the "suck it, HFPA" point -- check out this fascinating Variety article on the collapse of the efforts to salvage the "ceremony." If nothing else, it makes it clear why the Globes are such a scam -- the last thing they were trying to save was the parties.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Mole was absolutely amazing, and The Mole *coming back* seemed about as likely as John F. Kennedy doing the same. Incredible.